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“People with arthritis waiting for surgery have told us that they face daily pain and negative impacts on their physical and mental health that are impossible to ignore. With waiting times for planned surgery at record levels, people with arthritis waiting for joint replacements need support now. No one should be left unsupported and waiting in pain.”
Due to the pandemic, the NHS is under more pressure than ever before, and you may be waiting for “cold surgery” like a hip and knee replacement.
Although this may seem daunting, a wait for surgery can actually be looked on as an opportunity. Pain and arthritis causes us to move differently, which then leads to muscle loss around the joint. Once the joint is replaced, the pain will decrease but the weakened muscles are still unable to support your limb. To have relief of some of the pain prior to surgery, and to benefit from an optimal result from your operation, it’s a really good idea to invest in improving your muscle strength while you are waiting for your op. Many NHS policies are now to refer patients for physio prior to surgery specifically in order to address these deficits, as by doing so, you will have a much better surgical outcome.
The main muscles affected are the glutes, quads and core. These muscles are the power houses of your legs and trunk – they hold you upright, improve your balance, propel you forward and support your painful joint when you weight bear.
-Wendyanne Harrison (MCSP), Physiotherapist & Cranfold Practice Owner.
At Cranfold, our physios looked at how we can help those many people waiting for a hip or knee replacement to know how to reduce their pain pre-operatively, and give them the tools to ultimately achieve an optimal result from surgery. You told us that you like to fit your exercises into times to suit yourself, and want to be independent in when and where to do this. You told us it’s also much easier to follow a video than to read and interpret written exercises! So we have created a bespoke online rehabilitation video course, specifically designed for those with hip and knee arthritis, or for those waiting for surgery and is a programme that can also be used after surgery.
Ben Steele-Turner, Chartered Physio and fitness trainer has filmed a series of 5 lessons, which arrive by email each week. This allows time to repeat 3-4 times, before progressing to the next week’s video. Once purchased, the course is yours to keep forever so you can repeat weekly to maintain, or start again at week 1 once you’ve had your surgery.
Available to purchase directly, or in conjunction with appointments with Ben, or any of our physios, we hope this course helps you to manage your painful joint from today through to a full recovery from your surgery.
Click or tap the image above to find out more information or to purchase the course. Don’t forget to use ARTHRITIS50 for a discount in July 2021!
Watch the Course Trailer
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